Questionable Answers

No free wi-fi, are u kidding me?

I traveled for another fantastic seminar recently. Called the Guerilla Business Intensive designed by T Harv Eker. And we were trained by one of the leading internet marketers Alex Mandossian for 3 whole days. It was an awesome experience! Came back all charged up, ready to market my new clothing line, which I'll tell u… Continue reading No free wi-fi, are u kidding me?

Monkey see monkey do

Finally found out how the greats did it in the same 24 hours you and I have!

I had a teacher in school who'd always say, "Don't tell me u don't have time, even Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and Gandhiji had 24 hours and look at what they achieved!" And back then in my head I'd be like, "well, their mom didn't make them do the dishes!" But it's true, what my… Continue reading Finally found out how the greats did it in the same 24 hours you and I have!